testo di prova


Visita guidata, promozione culturale
Treno Storico. Treno natura
9 June 2019

Route: Treviso – Conegliano -Sacile –  Aviano – Maniago – Travesio –  Pinzano al Tagliamento – Cornino

Tickets are available only at the authorized desks of trenitalia.it.
15€ adults for train trip with steam locomotive
7,5€ children (4-12 years) f for train trip with steam  locomotive
10€ adults for train trip with diesel  locomotive
5€ children (4-12 years)  for train trip with diesel  locomotive
Free ( 0-4 years)
The trips are usually related to food and wine events, in order to have the possibility to enjoy the territory in a slow way through the vintage trains.

Organized by:

Fondazione FS
Regione FVG
Tel. 0434 737292
email: info@visitsacile.it