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Baroque Stories: Vento tra le corde
5 October 2023

Gavino Murgia: voice, sax
Paola Erdas: clavisymbalum, psalter, attached spinet, declamation.

Event included in the Festival of MusicAntica BAROQUE STORIES Reflections, crossings, reinterpretations

Sardinia is the island from which Gavino and Paola come, one from the deep interior and the other from the southern coast, speak two different languages: logudorese and campidanese, play two different repertoires: jazz and ancient music. The wind every day runs along the island, cleans and unites, brings scents and conveys emotions. The wind is strong, concrete but at the same time impossible to lock: if it stopped, it would no longer be wind.
The program of this concert is like the wind: it will flow through the keys under Paola’s fingers, it will blow from Gavino’s sax, it will meet in poems, in music coming from distant places and eras, in an eternal time and strong as the Mistral.

Music by: Faenza Codex, Gavino Murgia, Josquin, Johannes von Lublin, Cantiga de Sancta Maria.

Organized by:

Associazione Barocco Europeo
tel./fax +39 0434 734810