testo di prova


Visita guidata, promozione culturale
Cycling through the villages of Sacile, lands of noble wines riches of art
23 October 2021

Visit Sacile’s countryside, following the itinerary of ancient pilgrims and discover rural treasure chests, that preserve precious frescoes, and a noble estate that produce organic wines.

Bike tour along a charming route that tells the medieval story of Sacile: meeting point at San Gregorio Hospital and, passing through the gate of S. Antonio, arrival at the ancient village of Topaligo. Visit to the small church of San Daniele which keeps its inside valuable frescoes from the 14th century. The itinerary continues towards Vistorta, to discover the small and solitary country church dedicated to the Madonna delle Grazie, the only vestige of the Fossabiuba fief, built in 1014. The last stop is in an elegant noble estate located nearby, included in a lovely natural setting, where great red wines are born. Final toast.

Useful info
Time: 9.30 am – Languages: Italian – English – Duration: about 2,5 hours – Price: € 10,00 per person
Advance booking required (until Friday at 10:00 pm)
It’s possible to rent a bike by contacting the tourist office in time.
Advance booking required (until Friday at 16:00)


It is recalled that the individual responsibility of users is an essential element to give effectiveness to general prevention measures to contain and manage the covid-19 epidemiological emergency.

Please take note of the standards below

It is forbidden to participate in the guided tours to all people with body temperatures above 37,50°C
It is mandatory to maintain a safety distance of at least 1 metre.
It is compulsory to always wear a mask, even in fabric, for the protection of the nose and mouth.
The use of the sanitizing gel made available at the entrances of churches and museums is recommended.
INFORM YOU FURTHER THAT for health security reasons it is necessary to leave your data which will be stored for 15 days and then deleted.
The staff on duty at the infopoint will therefore ask you for your name, surname, telephone number and green pass.