testo di prova


Giardini aperti in Friuli Venezia Giulia 2024
26 May 2024

Sunday 19 MAY 2024 sees the return of the traditional ‘Giardini Aperti’ event, organised by the gardening club ‘Amici in giardino’ in order to promote the culture and the respect of green spaces with 50 private gardens to visit, scattered throughout the region. Owners will open their garden gates, free of charge; small, medium and large spaces, hidden and magical corners, themed gardens, places which are embody the commitment towards keeping green spaces alive in our region. The event will take place even in case of bad weather.

Opening hours: from 10a.m. to 1p.m and 2.30 to 7.30p.m.
The event take place also on Sunday 26th.

In Sacile:

“il bosco delle rose antiche” – the forest of ancient roses – by Loris Dal Cin (Via Campagne, 3/A)
The Garden of Gianluigi Rui (Via Strada delle Roste, 6)

See detailed program in download

Organized by:

Circolo di giardinaggio "Amici in giardino"

