testo di prova


Historic train: Treno Natura
6 August 2023

Historic train with diesel locomotive, carriages of the 30s “Centoporte” and luggage van, from Sacile to Forgaria nel Friuli/Monte Prât (Cornino)

From Cornino station, travellers will continue by bus to the Monte Prât plateau, located at an altitude of 800 meters above sea level, rich in naturalistic beauties, where they will enjoy simple paths to discovery the area, with evocative glimpses on the river Tagliamento and the torrent Arzino.

Free time for lunch

In the afternoon, tourists have time to spend at Cornino natural reserve, at the Pakar lakes or to take part of guided tours.

Bring your bike on board! Get off the historic train and proceed to your favourite destinations. You can bring your bike for free and placing it in the specially equipped luggage van.
Ask the train manager for more informations.

Train fee:
Adult return trip 10€
Kids return trip 5€
Tickets can be purchased through all Trenitalia sales channels: on the website www.trenitalia.com, at ticket offices and self-service stations, in travel agencies.
Free admission for children from 0 to 4 years of age. However, it is necessary to book a free ticket to secure a seat.
Tickets will be available from the 29th of July.

Organized by:

Fondazione FS
Regione FVG
tel. +39 0431387111
email: info@promoturismo.fvg.it