testo di prova


Magazzino 18
28 September 2024

A theatrical performance in italian language.

Directed by Antonio Calenda, Simone Cristicchi presents a “civil musical” that tells of the drama of the Italians forced to exile from Istria and Dalmatia, one that is represented by Magazzino 18 (Warehouse 18), in the Old Port of Trieste, and its sorrowful collection of everyday objects waiting in a non-place in history and the soul.
Magazzino 18 made its debut at the Politema Rossetti of Trieste just over ten years ago, marking the beginning of a long and intense journey exploring the history of our country, accompanied by an extraordinary and emotional public following. Directed by Antonio Calenda, Simone Cristicchi now takes up the reigns, as before in the form of “civil musical”, of the story that tells of the destiny of almost three-hundred-thousand people who, following the tragedy of the sinkholes, were forced to leave their homeland – the vast territories of Istria and the stretch of coastline that, with the 1947 peace treaty, Italy lost to Yugoslavia – and continue their lives in the newly formed Italian Republic.
Magazzino 18 (Warehouse 18), in the Old Port of Trieste, recreated through the words and the music of Cristicchi, brings together many small, humble testaments to the daily lives of those people: these are the things that the exiled families brought from their homes as they waited to return to their lives and that, instead, remained stored in a “non-place” of the soul, a non-place in History.
Duration: 100′ without intermission

Tickets on sale from September, 10th

Organized by:

Comune di Sacile
Teatro Zancanaro
tel. 0434 780623
e-mail: info@teatrozancanaro.it