testo di prova


Sacile is… the Christmas Village!
From 24 November 2023 to 31 December 2023

Installations, decorations, trees and lights in the most evocative places of Sacile and along the main shopping streets, will transform the city centre into a magical Christmas village: here’s to you the appointment with Christmas in town.
During this time, Sacile offers a rich program of events, meetings and shows for everyone, from children to adults.
Starting from November, 17th, the traditional Christmas market with its wooden houses will be a meeting point for young people in the court of Palazzo Ragazzoni, Giardini Ortazza and Piazzetta Manin with food and wine, crafts and Christmas gifts.
Children and families will find entertainment and shows, Christmas markets and concerts in the city centre; music and theatrical events at Zancanaro Theatre.

Special events:
November, 24th:  Christmas Tree Lighting in Piazza del Popolo
December, 2nd and 3rd: “Artigiani Serenissimi” – special handcraft exposition
December, 5th: Saint Nicholas is arriving! The patron Saint of Sacile arrives in the city centre with his mule giving children sweets and gifts
December, 8th: Advent market with hobbyists and artisans; Festival of radicchio with the local variety “the Rose of Sacile”
December, 17th: “Toys for Tots – a smile for children”. 25th edition of “Santa Claus on motorbike”, a gathering of fans of two wheels in Piazza del Popolo, who collect gifts to bring to the children hosted in “Nostra Famiglia” of Conegliano (TV)
December, 24th: Santa Claus arrives
December, 26th: Sacellum – the antiques market
During all the period: “Lungo i binari della nostra infanzia” Static and dynamic show of model trains.

See in download the detailed program

Organized by:

Comune di Sacile
Pro Sacile
LSM srl
Tel. +39 0434737292
Tel. +39 043472273
