testo di prova


Guided Tour
Theater performance: “La saga Ragazzoni, Conti di Sant’Odorico, tra corti europee e affari di famiglia”
14 November 2021

Theater exhibition in Italian.

A journey into the European sixteenth century, between the whispering court, business, and diplomacy, to discover the life of Giacomo Ragazzoni. Welcomed by the owner of the building in sixteenth-century costume, you will discover the history of this ancient family, belonging to the Venetian commercial bourgeoisie.  They had the ownership of the fiefdom of S. Odorico in Sacile and along with it the right to sit among the castellans of the Parlamento della Patria del Friuli.

The narration will make you discover family ties with the sovereign of the time – Maria Tudor, Philip II of Spain, Henry III of France, Maria empress of Austria, Selim II sultan of Constantinople, the Doge of Venice; along the way you will visit the main floor of the palace, with the Hall of Honor, the Saletta Delle Bandiere and the magnificent Hall of the Emperors.


Available in: Italian – Duration: 1,5h approx – Price: € 10,00 per person – Reservations required by 10.00 am of the previous day

The route is wheelchair accessible

Meeting point

Infopoint IAT Sacile
IAT Sacile – Tourist Information Office
Via Mazzini 11 – Sacile
Tel. + 39 0434 737292

It is recalled that the individual responsibility of users is an essential element to give effectiveness to general prevention measures to contain and manage the covid-19 epidemiological emergency.

Please take note of the standards below
It is forbidden to participate in the guided tours to all people with body temperatures above 37,50°C
It is mandatory to maintain a safety distance of at least 1 meter.
It is compulsory to always wear a mask, even in fabric, for the protection of the nose and mouth.
The use of the sanitizing gel made available at the entrances of churches and museums is recommended.
WE INFORM YOU FURTHER THAT for health security reasons it is necessary to leave your data which will be stored for 15 days and then deleted.
The staff on duty at the info point will therefore ask you for your name, surname, telephone number, and green pass. 

Organized by:

Comune di Sacile
IAT Sacile
email: info@visitsacile.it
tel. +39 0434 737292