testo di prova


Treno Storico – Aria di Festa
24 June 2018
Stazione FS e centro storico San Daniele

What about getting to San Daniele to enjoy “Aria di Festa” (the Prosciutto festival) with a vintage train?
Sunday, June 24th it will be possible! The locomotive “Treno Storico Aria di Festa” will travel along the tracks of the Sacile-Gemona, one of the 18 Italian tourist railways, up to Cornino station. From here, a free shuttle bus service will take you to the historical city centre.
Tickets available on www.trenitalia.it

See detailed program in download.

Organized by:

Fondazione FS
Regione FVG
email: prenotazioni@fondazionefs.it
tel. 06.44103520


24 giugno treno storico